What a week it has been. The kids have all had end of year activities all week and the last day of school was today. I always panic that I'm not going to know what to do with them, but we always manage to stay super busy in the summer with tons of pool days, play dates and sports.
Kinley's preschool graduation was on Wednesday. Hilarious and sad all at the same time. Her teacher shed a few tears as did all of the moms. Their mortar boards were made out of paper bowls and cardboard. So funny! I'm trying to see if I can borrow a friend's video that she took showing Kinley pouting with all her might. I was taping and photographing her program and after she got her certificate, I put the camera down and noticed she was full-on pouting. Then came the tears. After it was over, she came over to me and wanted to know why I clapped for her other classmates and not her. Are you kidding me? I was holding the camera!! She is such a goof sometimes.
Cooper had his big 5th grade graduation on Wednesday as well. His teacher, too, got emotional. Sheez. I was emotionally spent by the end of the day! I can't believe I have middle schooler. Yikes! He had a great year and we're very proud of him.
Kaiya was sad for her last day. She loves school and had THE BEST teacher this year. We will miss Ms. McEvers!
Summer . . . here we come!!!
Ready for middle school

Best teacher ever!

Last day picnic

The preschool graduate

Kinley's teachers for the last two years

Silly Kinley, she's so darn funny! I can't believe your kids are growing up so fast...and yet you remain ageless, of course ;-) Miss you!
What? Kids grow up too fast. And I don't like it. But congrats to the graduates and congratulations on being done with another school year! Can't wait to see your family again.
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