I like busy. Busy likes me. We are a happy couple for the most part. I thrive on keeping up with the rat race, but I am beat to a pulp. Done. Finished. If you see me curled up in the fetal position on my front lawn, please just let me be.
In the last week, I/we have:
- Sold 2 cars in 48 hrs.
- Bought one car after driving 100 miles round trip
- Took Kaiya to a gymnastics meet (her last until the fall)
- Attended Kaiya's end of soccer season party
- Watched Coop play in his first 18-hole golf tournament
- Celebrated 2 birthdays with the extended family
- Took 3 kids shopping for said birthday party gifts
- Attended 2 church meetings
- Planted a garden
- Went to the grocery store at midnight
- Took the dog in to get groomed so he could see
- Got rid of bird's nest in our BBQ grill
- Finally learned how to french braid my girls' hair (yipee!)
- Gutted a stand alone freezer after it thawed due to naughty children who didn't close it tight (thawed popsicle residue is better than super glue in case you wondered)
- Installed landscaping lighting
I might put a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my bedroom door and come out sometime next week . . . about the time that Kinley has a dance recital rehearsal and Cooper has his first baseball game within an hour of each other. :)
Doesn't even look nervous

Hanging with her gym buddies
3rd place and a sunburn

WHEEWWW! You are the (WO)MAN!
And don't you just love it when you are that busy and people say to you, "you think you're busy now...just wait 'til they're teenagers!" I don't see how that can be possible! I hope you can catch your breath soon! : )
Whew is right!!! I think I am even more tired now reading how your week went! Hopefully you can relax a bit and enjoy that "Do not disturb" time to yourself! I haven't mastered that yet!!
Wow! but if you think you are busy now, just wait until they are teenagers!!! You should have seen my week with my teenagers!!! Just kidding. Hang in there and hide in a closet if you need to for some R&R.
Wow! I'm tired.
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