Kinley will tell you that she didn't think her recital day would ever come, but it finally did. After doing a major countdown for the last month, the big day arrived. Kinley has never done dance before, but she has such an outgoing personality and no fear. Dance was kind of a natural fit for her. She just started five months ago and last night was her big debut. She was so exited to have my parents and Uncle Brandon and Aunt Erika there, too. Cooper and especially Kaiya were her biggest fans. I loved watching how proud Kaiya was of her and how nervous she got for her sister. She was a big help during the hair and make-up session. :)
I have to admit, I was a bit of a grouch before the recital about the cost, the makeup (putting makeup on my 5-year-old still feels sick and wrong) and the whole production, but it was cute and funny enough to bring me to tears last night.
Having never done this before, she didn't even understand when we gave her flowers at the end that they were hers to keep. And, my little clumsy one was sporting a huge green bruise in the center of her forehead after running head-first into my dad's sliding glass door that was a bit too clean.The video is forthcoming (gotta borrow a clip from a friend or get the dance studio's copy--it will be worth your wait to see but ours did not turn out good), but here are some pics of the show.
Their dance was to the Wicked song Popular and Kinley got to play the lead role in spots. I was so impressed with these 5 little girls, ages 5 and 6, who all memorized a very long number. At one point toward the end, Kinley was trying to relay a forgotten part to her fellow dancers because her teacher was sitting right by the stage signaling instructions. Hilarious!
Perhaps the funniest story came as we were riding home and she was trying to figure out when we snuck away to get the flowers for her. I told her daddy got them at King Soopers and she
very matter-of-factly said, "Well, for my next recital, would it be too much to ask for flowers and a donut? King Soopers has the best donuts!" What a character and a blessing she is in our home!
I'm a ballerina!

Such cuties!

Hmm. . . maybe a little ahead of the music?

Loving the flowers

Proud grandma

Can't believe this is our baby

I agree with the makeup on kids, but you have to admit, she looks dang cute!! That first picture looks just like a little figurine. How fun and how classic Kinley to ask for the donut in such a manner. Good job Kinley! You'll have to show us your dance when you come for a visit next month!
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