I knew when Kaiya moved up to being on the gym team that the day for the long gymnastics meets would come. My poor parents sat through so many of them that I'm suprised they didn't become permanently fixed to the metal folding chairs. Kaiya's big day was Saturday and I have to admit, it was very WIERD. We walked through the door and I immediately recognized some of the other team's coaches and even one of the judges! I have been out of this sport for 16 freaking years and yet it was like an instant flashback.
Miss Kaiya had a great first experience and I got overly emotional when she did her first event (bars). I was so nervous for her! More than anything, I just want her to have fun. I absolutely love her coaches (lots of hugs and support vs. yelling) and they made the day so special for her.
She started on bars and rocked the house winning the event for all level 4's! Beam was next and it did not go nearly as well. 3 falls and she fought the tears hard (beam is of the devil). Floor was next and she did good--not as good as she wanted, but good. She finished on vault with 2 awesome vaults and loved ending on a high note. She ended up as a silver medalist in the all-around! And, thanks to a swine flu scare at Doug's office, he had the day off work and got to be there. :)
A huge shout out to Kris for doing Kaiya's hair (many compliments!). I pretty much suck in the hair department, so Kris was kind enough to do some fancy french braids. :)
Please bear with the video of her bar routine. Cooper was on camcorder duty. 3 more meets to go before a break and then it starts up again in the fall.

Waiting to go on bars.
Silver medal!
Coach Morgan and Kaiya
Great job Kaiya!! Wow that has to bring lots of emotions as you watch her. Keep up the good work.
Love it! Silver is awesome!!! OMG she is soo good! And I loved doing her hair!
The hair is super cute! Makes me sad that I didn't get a little gymnast. It's my fav. sport. I was never stong/good enough to do so well but I made up for that with my heart!
Nice job Kaiya! Awesome day it sounds like!
The Hyrum Lindhardts
What fun! Super cute hair! She is such a talented Gymnast! Way to go Kaiya!
That is so awesome! I never could even do a good cartwheel... :) Congrats on silver, Kaiya!!
That's so exciting Kaiya! Good job!! It's also fun to be able to see you Haley as an 8 year old. : )
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