I have a new understanding for the phrase "bursting with pride." I truthfully felt this weekend like I might just burst. I feel so blessed to have two brothers with whom I am close. I used to wonder what it would be like to have a sister, but I don't think God could have given me two greater siblings.

Immediately after his state title game, we rushed to Boulder where Kaiya competed in her second gymnastics meet. She improved her all-around score by almost a full point, got a bronze medal this time and was so happy that Uncle Brandon and Aunt Erika and Papa came to watch. Her beam routine was much improved and yet she is already fired up to get back in the gym and keep working. Notice in the video (I forgot to zoom so the video is crappy) that she got nervous at one point and started tucking hair that wasn't even there behind her ears (thanks, once again, to Kris for the braids!). Cooper and Kinley were such troopers this weekend cheering on Bennett and Kaiya as we drove all over this state. It will be their turn to be in the spotlight soon as Kinley has a dance recital coming up and Cooper starts baseball games in 2 weeks.
Today, we spent the day at Bennett's high school graduation (where he finished 3rd in his class) and at my mom's for his graduation party. It was just a perfect day--my kids had a ball and I just tried to take the whole day in. I honestly never thought I would be this close to Bennett. I was in my dorm room at Utah State when I got a phone call that my mom was in labor. I really never thought I would feel like he was my brother because I was so much older. And yet, being there to watch him grow up has been incredibly rewarding.
Equally as rewarding has been watching the influence Brandon has had on his life. Next to his parents, Brandon has been his #1 fan. I have had a special role as his sister, but Brandon has lite
rally been there every step of the way--as his role model, mentor, coach, advisor and friend. I was so proud of how well I kept my emotions in check this weekend except for one slip-up. As we left the ballfield after the championship game, Brandon and Bennett had a departing hug and I lost it. The tears flowed freely and still do when I stop to think about it.
I hope and pray that someday my kids have the kind of relationship I have with my siblings. They are some of the most special relationships in life!!
Talking to the press after the big game

Proud parents

Party decorations

Way to go, Uncle B!

Cooper's #1 role model

The Uncle B Fan Club

Bronze medalist

Sounds like it was a great day. Congrats and good luck to Bennett. Good job on the beam Kaiya! You're quite the little gymnast. Cute picture of all your kids dressed up with B!
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