Miss Kinley is more competitive than I realized. After seeing two of her friends recently riding bikes without training wheels, she decided it was her turn. We tried a couple times last fall and she was a big chicken. Not this time. Doug took them off last night and off she went. Yet another sign that my baby is no longer a baby. I'm not dealing with it very well. :( I had to also throw in a picture of her at her preschool party today. She's quite please she can do the monkey bars now.
Love the look in her eyes on this shot
Monkey, Jr.

She did such a good job!!
Looks like fun! Did it really surprise you that she is competitive? Wonder where she might have inherited that....
Looks like time for family bike rides now. Have fun!
I love her skirt all billowing out in the wind. And what a good brother she has to help her!
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