Thursday, August 30, 2012

Goodbye, summer . . .

This was quite possibly the busiest summer we have ever had.  It was gone in a blink of an eye.  Between baseball games, trips, and doctor's appts, I pretty much lived in my car.  However, I loved the memories we made!  Here are just a couple photos from some summer end activities . . . . heavy on the Syd photos.  :)  We loved our pool dates with her, especially after Kaiya got out of her boot!  I've also included a couple pics from the Corn Roast Parade Kaiya was in and one of Kinley with her splint off and a perfectly healthy front tooth showing!

Her poor skinny calf after boot removal

Nothing beats swim dates with Syd

Two funny girls!!

Watching Kaiya at the Corn Roast Parade in Loveland--so much candy, too!

Seriously cute

Little did we know just a couple weeks after this photo was taken, Syd was pulling herself up and standing unassisted!

Too bad she isn't loved. :)

Kinley mid-air toss
So silly!

The splint came off and the tooth looks great--miracle!!