Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas 2011
Posted by Haley L at 11:49 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Two Christmas miracles!
Just 6 days after Spencer got a new heart, we welcomed a new baby into our family. Sydney Nicole was born on Dec. 22nd at 6:12 pm weighing 8 lbs 3oz. She is perfect in every way and we can't get enough of her. I've made more trips to Greeley in the last 2 weeks that I have in a long time. It's worth it just to hold her for even a moment. It's also pretty fun seeing my little brother being a daddy!
When we're not in Greeley, we've been busy this holiday break doing fun stuff. The girls have a new found love for ice skating and we've been twice to do that. Kinley also got to get her ears pierced because she FINALLY quit sucking her thumb once and for all. Socks, duct tape and the nastiest tasting stuff on her thumb did the trick.
Posted by Haley L at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 19, 2011
Miss Martha May in her debut
Posted by Haley L at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A most memorable Thanksgiving
We left early on Sunday and drove straight to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. We made it in 7 hours, which meant that we got there in time to see my niece before she was discharged after having back surgery. Talk about a crappy place for a family reunion! Doug's family now has 26 grandkids and enough medical stories to fill a book. They are all miracles to us and now we need one more miracle!
We didn't stay too long on Sunday, but long enough to say goodbye to my niece and to say hello to Spencer and Doug's sister and husband. Cooper was the only one old enough to actually visit Spencer in his room, so that made it tough. Getting to finally see him and kiss his forehead was so wonderful and he really responded to Cooper, which just melted me. This is one remarkable kid and I say this with no bias. After taking care of hundreds of cardiac kids, this kid is simply amazing! He doesn't complain, he doesn't whine, he does what he is asked and when he is not in a good mood, he simply chooses to not engage. He has his Berlin Heart, a tube in his nose, a PICC line in is arm and oxygen under his nose and yet, you'd never know it. He is totally unfazed by his Berlin--he shows it to people and even knows how to get the alarms to stop when it's kinked. I am still in awe of this little man.
We spent the rest of the week helping with Spencer's sisters and making trips to the hospital. It was nice to finally be the ones pitching in a little. My kids love their cousins, so it was a great week for them. Cooper and I spent about 7 hours at the hospital just the two of us on Tuesday and then we all spent Thanksgiving afternoon there. Tuesday was a little bit of a rough day for Spencer due to nausea, but I think he still really enjoyed Cooper's company. We got to meet his transplant surgeon, which was a very "small world" moment, realizing he trained under Cooper's surgeon. He knew all of Cooper's surgeons and where they were now. He knew the nurse manager who hired me and he was genuinely personable (not a common characteristic in cardiothoracic surgeons!). I had some very emotional moments watching Cooper interact with Spencer.
We found out later that while we were there on Tuesday, his team was actually looking at a potential donor heart. It wasn't a perfect fit, so they rejected the offer, but it means he is that close. After 8 weeks in that hospital, it is time! As scary as it is, this kid is ready. He looks so good, his eating has improved, his kidneys are normal and he is going to do great. Every time my phone rings, I jump a little, so I can only imagine what it's like for his parents!
Our Thanksgiving at the hospital was perfect. They reserved a conference room for us and Nancy decorated the tables with homemade placemats and covered the tables with bedsheets. Is that awesome or what? It was just our family, Nancy's family and Doug's parents and the highlight of the afternoon was the smile on Spencer's face. He even asked to be turned around in his wheelchair at one point so he could watch his siblings and cousins play in the room. What a champ!
Posted by Haley L at 5:15 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
11 in '11
It was a gut-wrenching gymnastics season for Kaiya. It was a big jump from level 5 to level 6 and the judges even warned us that this level is tough. The judging is picky and the skills are tough. It's the last level in which they all do the same routine. Level 7 becomes her own stuff. She had 5 meets in the last 7 weeks and she just missed qualifying at two of them by tenths of a point. She is crushed, but she also knows that through adversity, she will grow. I offered to switch her to tennis or volleyball, but she won't listen.
Her birthday was a big success. This was an off year for a party, so the family outing was to see the Broadway show, Lion King. I saw it ten years ago and it was just as amazing this time. It was even more fun to watch my girls' eyes light up. We had dinner at the Olive Garden and then went to the show. It really was a great night. We let her have a couple of her gymnastics friends over the weekend before her birthday for a sleepover and took treats to her class. She has grown into such a beautiful young lady this last year. She maintains A's in school, plays piano, devotes 12+ hours per week to the gym, and has even started babysitting other people's kids. She's also a great big sister and Kinley really looks up to her.

So proud of this girl. Through her tears, she gave her teammate a big hug to congratulate her for qualifying. Fortunately, we leave the next day for Utah and as I think about what will face us when we arrive at Primary Children's Medical Center to see Spencer, I am brought back to what's really important right now.
Im looking forward to reporting about our visit next week! Until then, here are some pictures of my beautiful girl.
Posted by Haley L at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Loveland Half Marathon
Posted by Haley L at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!

Posted by Haley L at 5:10 AM 0 comments