Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had a pretty relaxing Christmas this year and some firsts.  It was the first time that we went to someone else's house on Christmas Day.  With the birth of Sydney, we were happy to travel to Brandon and Erika's house and enjoy a 3-day-old baby, our entire family, and an awesome meal prepared by Erika's parents.  

We had church early on Christmas morning, which was nice because it allowed us to stretch out the gift opening and enjoy the day.  Santa stuck with some pretty traditional gifts this year--a scooter, a doll, a bike, a remote control helicopter and some ice skates made for some pretty happy kids.  The girls have taken a real liking to ice skating, so having their own skates was exciting.  I've now taken them ice skating three times and decided that getting older has its privileges--I can sit on the side with a good book and let them skate!  I did try it once and didn't die, so I guess that's a good sign.  

I surprised Doug and got him a gift certificate for Lasik eye surgery and some non-prescription sunglasses.  He is ready to ditch his glasses once and for all!

It has been great having Bennett home for a month, so we got to enjoy a lot of time with him and will be sad to see him go back to Tulsa on Cooper's birthday (is is possible that he's really almost 14?).  

Wireless microphones from Papa

Kaiya and her gym buddy, Evelyn

No fear!


Unknown said...

Love your kids Christmas outfits! So pretty/handsome! Looks like you had a great Christmas with your family! What a sweet present to have a new baby girl in your family too! And let me know how Doug's lasik goes! I want to do that someday!