With each year that passes, I realize that my days of little ones trick-or-treating are nearly gone. So sad! My girls still get pretty excited about the big day, however, and this year was no exception. They had a hard time picking a costume, but I think they turned out pretty cute! I put on lots of make-up on Kaiya and when my dad saw her, I about gave him a heart attack. Let's just say that make-up on her pale skin makes really shows up.
Cutest bumble bee

The bee and the vampiress

I love the tradition at the elementary school of a Halloween breakfast. I was able to go to both girls' classrooms and enjoy that time with them. Kaiya also had a Halloween-themed piano recital.
Now that's what I call breakfast!

Kaiya's Halloween piano recital
Cooper decided for the first time in his life to go as a fictional character. Took him 13 years, but he finally decided to go for it. He was Buzz Lightyear and he got quite a few laughs. It doubled as Doug's costume as well, so it was a real bonus.
The weather was so gorgeous that night that they were out for a long time. We got to hit the streets with friends, so it really was a nice night.
Ready to hit the streets
The annual post trick-or-treat candy trade
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