Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Idol: Home Version

When Kinley gets older, she will hate me for posting this, but it's too funny to keep all to ourselves. Kinley has really gotten into Idol this year and gets so mad that I won't let her stay up to watch the end.

About a week ago, she discovered an old MP3 player that used to be Kaiya's. It only holds about 60 songs, so I loaded all her favorites on it and it hasn't left her hands. She wanted to know if she could take it to church on Sunday. You will see why that would not have been a good idea.

Anyway, after tucking her in last night, she retrieved her MP3 from her nightstand and all we could hear was this yelling. I started to go in her room and realized it was just her singing along with her headphones on, oblivious to how loud she was "singing." I grabbed my camera (the lighting is horrible, sorry, but her room was almost dark) and she didn't realize I was filming until about half way through. Without missing a beat, she just kept singing. Too bad this kid has no self-confidence.


KrisJ said...

Seriously maybe you should have her do "I am awesome" in the mirror everyday to help with the self confidence LOL!!!

Barbara said...

I can see the clip playing right before she performs her first "Idol Song" on the big stage in front of the judges.

Felt Family said...

I love how when she noticed you she sat up and gave you some dancing for the camera. She's so great!