This week has been one of those with a little of everything--drama, pain, excitement, relaxation and fun. Such is the life with three busy kids, I guess.
Last Friday, Kinley and I got to go see the Colorado Ballet perform the Nutcracker with her bestest buddy, Maddie and her mom, Kris. It has been years since I've seen a professional ballet and it was impressive to say the least. So was the fact that these two little girls sat almost without moving through the entire show!
Sunday, we hosted my extended family at our house, which meant 20+ people. We ate too much, chatted all afternoon, watched the Broncos throw away their season and had a great visit.
By Sunday night, however, Cooper had a horrible toothache that kept him up all night. He cracked his permanent front tooth in two a couple of years ago and we've always known the root was iffy. Well, it got infected down to the bone, so he bought himself a root canal on Tuesday. This kid has had heart surgery and staples in his head and yet watching him in pain in the dentist's chair was almost too much. The dentist was never able to get him completely numb, so the tears just streamed down his face (and mine) during the procedure. He was so tough and kept apologizing to the dentist (who does that?) Anyway, it's over and we are thankful for good pain meds!
New Year's Eve was spent at our neighbor's house and we had a blast. The kids made it til midnight, which was a first, so they were feeling pretty proud. I think they were asleep by 12:05, but they still made it. We love having great neighbors!
Today, we capped off the break by venturing out to the local ice skating rink. Kaiya has been begging me for a long time to go and she was a natural. Kinley surprised us by being very brave and non-whiny in the face of something new. She used the little walker and did great! Cooper and I limped along, but had fun anyway. We stayed for over two hours, so the rest of the weekend will likely be spent on the couch! 
I think I might need a vacation from our vacation, but it has been a great couple of weeks!
Last Friday, Kinley and I got to go see the Colorado Ballet perform the Nutcracker with her bestest buddy, Maddie and her mom, Kris. It has been years since I've seen a professional ballet and it was impressive to say the least. So was the fact that these two little girls sat almost without moving through the entire show!
Sunday, we hosted my extended family at our house, which meant 20+ people. We ate too much, chatted all afternoon, watched the Broncos throw away their season and had a great visit.
By Sunday night, however, Cooper had a horrible toothache that kept him up all night. He cracked his permanent front tooth in two a couple of years ago and we've always known the root was iffy. Well, it got infected down to the bone, so he bought himself a root canal on Tuesday. This kid has had heart surgery and staples in his head and yet watching him in pain in the dentist's chair was almost too much. The dentist was never able to get him completely numb, so the tears just streamed down his face (and mine) during the procedure. He was so tough and kept apologizing to the dentist (who does that?) Anyway, it's over and we are thankful for good pain meds!

Well I feel so guilty still over that dang tooth, who'd of thought that even with a helmet he could get so dang hurt! We had a blast with you guys at the ballet we will have to do it again.. and bring along sisters!
Great pictures! I love the shirt that Kinley is wearing New Year's Eve! :) I know what you mean about a vacation from the vacation. So fun though.
I feel so bad for that little Cooper! Let's hope he got it all out and now he can enjoy 2009. So glad to hear that your Christmas was so much fun!!
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