You would think after 11 years, I would quit getting emotional on Cooper's birthday. No such luck. Poor Cooper has to listen to me every year recount the hours and days after his birth and watch me turn into a crying fool. Perhaps working in the field now and watching four families lose their precious kiddos this last year has made me that much more appreciative of his life. He might want to remind me of that when he is terrorizing his sisters and I'm about to lose my mind. :) When he was born, we knew instantly that something was wrong. He was blue as a popsicle and didn't cry. After being rushed to Children's, the phone call came that something was very wrong with his heart. He had a cath lab procedure by noon all while I was stuck in Greeley. It was the one and only time in 15 years of marriage that I saw (and it was only by phone) Doug openly cry. We were new parents and young and scared out of our minds. By the grace of God and good doctors, we brought Cooper home 8 days after open-heart surgery to switch his two main arteries that were coming off the wrong ventricles. The photo above was taken a few hours p
FAMILY: My Heart
7 years ago
What a handsome guy! I still picture him as a little toddler. You and Doug have obviously done GOOD work!
The Hyrum Lindhardts
Happy Birthday, Cooper! Haley, what a blessing that Cooper is such a healthy, vibrant kid!!!
Happy Birthday Cooper. I can't believe he is 11. What a great blog and reminder - it made me teary.
I will never forget that little boy being born. I was young, but what a strong couple you and Doug were during that very scary time. We are all glad that things have worked out so good for Cooper. He is a super special little boy!!
Hey #4! You already know how loved you are around this house. Hope your day was great!!
Happy Birthday Cooper! We are so thankful to be part of your family... you are such an example to our girls. We all love you lots!
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