This will be a totally random post because there were lots of little things in the last couple weeks that were worth jotting down. And, being that it's Thanksgiving, it was worth reflecting on the things in my life and in our lives that we are oh so grateful for. We had a wonderful and quiet Thanksgiving with my dad, which was a welcomed break from the crazy days of life in general.
After a very rough week at work, I'm grateful to have a day to remember my blessings. My job is so rewarding, but it can also be gut-wrenching. A week or so ago, I had the shift from hell. Excuse the language, but it was really that bad. All three of my patients decided to puke in unison, one had a IV blow right in the middle of a blood transfusion and one was just so critically ill that she made me nervous all night (it was her first night out of the ICU). I cried on the way home and then forced myself to let it go. Thankfully, most nights are just super rewarding and not so eventful! Unfortunately, the critically ill little girl passed away two night ago and I had to cry on the way home again. I kissed my own babies when I got home enough times that they started looking at me like I was nuts. I get to start working 3 nights every two weeks instead of every week starting in January! Hallelujiah!!
Working at Children's does have it's perks though. Last week, both Jay Cutler and Will Smith visited the hospital. I didn't get to meet either, but many of my patients did. How cool is that? Of course, I wasn't working that day. But last night, I met the Avs right wing, Ben Guite. He was amazing and gave me a signed autograph to give to Cooper. Speaking of Cooper, his golf instructor started giving him lessons at an indoor facility that is equipped with video cameras. It's golf gone high tech and Cooper can't get enough of it.
Miss Kaiya lost another tooth this week and each time she does, she leaves a note for the tooth fairy. Here was the note.
It says, "Dear t-fairy how do you get the money that you give to us? Please reply. " The tooth fairy replied, "Hello Kaiya - I also collect teeth from old people. I melt the fillings out of them and sell the gold. Eat your veggies! T-Fairy." Tee hee.
And, finally, Miss Kinley's latest beauty in the form of another bedtime prayer. It went something like this: " . . .and please bless my family and help me to sleep good, please bless that tomorrow . . . (whispers to Doug, 'What is tomorrow?' to which he replies 'A stay home day with Daddy' to which she pumps her fists and says, "YES! Can you please try to make me a glass slipper pancake tomorrow morning? I know it will be hard, but I know you can do it dad.') . . . and please bless that dad can try really hard to make me a glass slipper pancake."
What a week!
Kinley seriously cracks me up... and well how did the glass slipper pancake making go? So sorry to hear about your hard week at work. Just know that you are such a blessing to all those sweet kids including Malia whom you keep helping out! Glad you had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving!
Is a glass slipper pancake a real thing? Something she had at Disney Land? Good luck, Doug! Also, tell Will Smith to visit the adult Oncology floor, we really want to meet him!!!
Wow Doug, As always, you have an answer for everything! Can't wait to see you all!
Fun times. There is a fun book called "What do the fairies do with all those teeth?". I remember it from when my kids were little - you should look it up.
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