Saturday, November 1, 2008

Come and get it!

It was a busy week of Halloween festivities around here. I'm exhausted today, but it was a fun week. We carved pumpkins on Monday and roasted the seeds--always a family favorite (though not the same this year without my nursing school buddies).

Thursday, I went to a girl's night out party where 20 of us dressed in full witch costume garb went out to dinner. We were quite a site and drew lots of strange looks.

Yesterday, I squeezed in three school parties for all three kids (whew!) with none of them overlapping. The highlight of Cooper's school party was the banana decorating contest and banana split party that followed. He had to write a creative story to go with his character--pretty clever way for teachers to engage the kids! Thanks to a great idea from my brother, Brandon, Coop created Joe Banana Montana.

In the evening, the kids trick-or-treated with friends. It was almost 60 degrees when they left and it was so nice not to have to bundle them beyond recognition!

Kinley did two full cul-de-sacs before coming home and deciding she wanted to be the candy hand-out person at our house. Have I mentioned how stinkin' funny this girl is? She sat on the porch with her big bowl of candy and yelled to kids passing by just like a beer vendor at a sports arena . . . "Candy! Get your candy. Fresh candy right here! We got chocolate, we got Hot Tamales, take your pick!"

The classic moment of the night was when one kid came to the porch step and forgot his manners. Kinley dropped two pieces of candy in his bucket (the kid was at least 12) and he left. She stood up, but her hands on her hips and said, "HEY! I think you forgot to say thank you, Mr. Man!!" The kid whirls around and was so stunned, he took off running. Ha!!!! What a crack up that girl is. :)


Felt Family said...

We have laughed so hard about Kinley. Corinne keeps walking around repeating that line, "I think you forgot to say thank you, Mr. Man!" Wasn't it fabulous to have such warm weather for trick-or-treating? Global warming? I say bring it on!! Can't wait to see you next month!

Jolayne said...

Way to go Kinley. Keep those kids in line.