Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Broken

Well, instead of Spring Break this week, we had Spring Broken. Cooper decided to contract strep throat, so he felt poopy all week and our weather was less than spectacular. The week before, Kinley decided to get sick on Easter Day. This is just proof that we should have been in Scottsdale like we have been for the last 10 years! The kids were such troopers about it (it might have helped, too, that WE finally got a Wii). We also managed to make cookies and watch a couple movies.

Fortunately, we caught the strep in time that it won't cause any surgery delays and we are still all set for that this Thursday. I talked to Cooper's surgeon while I was at work on Thursday and she is amazing. Membership certainly has its privileges. I took care of an 8-day old baby who just got the same pacemaker that Cooper is getting and I was definitely able to connect with that family.

By Friday, everyone had cabin fever, so we ventured to Chuck E. Cheese's, played some Wii called it a week. We all woke up with sore shoulders from too much Wii tennis, golf and baseball, so it was a good thing we had the weekend to recover!

After Chuck E. Cheese's, I made the girls take a shower (a must after going to a place like that) and they discovered my shower caps. They hate having to wash their hair all the time, so they were feeling quite clever. It was so cute, but a sad mommy moment realizing my girls are both old enough to do this kind of thing by themselves! :(

My next post will be an update from Children's on Thursday. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes and prayers going into this week!


Erica said...

We'll be thinking of you and praying hard for your family. Good luck Cooper!!

AckerFamily said...

Hello Lindhardt Family!
We are thinking about you and will be praying for you guys this week.

Cooper- Alex can't wait to come over when you are feeling up to it. He REALLY wants to have you show him some new tricks on the Wii!!! Hang in there big guy! You are our hero!!!

The Ackers

KrisJ said...

Sounds like an easy going Spring Break NOT! Im glad they are all feeling better though, and good for you for venturing out to the big cheese!

Momof2Girlies said...

Haley and family,

We'll be thinking about and praying for you all over the next few days! {{{HUGS}}} to all of you!

Christina (fellow Groupie) =)