This year marked the 30th year that I have been going to Scottsdale for spring break (missed a couple in college and right after having Kinley, but that's it). I never get tired of it and I look forward to it every year. It is truly like a 2nd home for us. I am so grateful to my dad for hanging onto it and for vacating the place for a week so we can use it. I have so many of my own childhood memories there and it is still so odd to be the parent bringing my own kids there.
This year, we had the added highlight of being 4.4 miles from the Rockies Spring Training facilities at Talking Stick (which are just amazing!). I jogged to it one day--how nice is that? Cooper was in heaven and even though we got there at the tail end of spring training, we still got to see 2 games and to see the players working out. Our weather all week was absolutely perfect, too--mid to high 80's (although it hit 96 on our last day there).
We drove again this year since airfare was so expensive and although it's a long drive, the kids did awesome. We left super early both times (5 am) and got in at a decent hour. The drive is very scenic and with a few naps squeezed in, it's just not that bad at all.
I will keep the details brief, but here is a day-by-day recap of our trip:
Fri - Left at 5 a.m. and drove straight through. We only stopped twice and got in to Scottsdale at 6 pm. We ordered pizza from our favorite local spot, went to the grocery store and then hit the pool and hot tub.
On the road!
Sat - We went to check out the Rockies new facilities and to see if we could get tickets. The place is unreal! There is an entire field just dedicated to bunting! We struck out (no pun intended) at the ticket window, but only because no one was there. We watched a little of the minor league games and just walked around the whole place. The afternoon was spent at the pool and then we grilled some steaks for dinner. I found out that one of my college teammates was in Phoenix as well, so we met them for ice cream at the famous Sugar Bowl that night. So fun!
Cool story behind the cooperative between the Indians and the spring training facility
LOVE the view of Camelback in the background--we climbed the smaller peak on the left!

By the minor league fields

More fields!!

Sun - We headed back to 'The Stick' again to see if we could get tickets. I was pleasantly surprised that it was a very easy run--only 4.4 miles door to door! We were able to get tickets and went to the game. We got there early enough to see them warm up and take batting practice. So fun to be that close to the action and the players. We had to cool off in the pool afterward, of course, and then we stayed in for dinner.
In front of th Rockies' entrance at Talking Stick

Love my Tulo fans
Watching batting practice

Ianetta and Street

Just a gorgeous stadium

Sugar Bowl!!

Mon - The big Camelback Mountain hike. In years past, we had to do this in shifts. Kaiya and I would go and then Cooper and Doug because Kinley was too little. Well, this year she decided she could do it (I had my doubts--she hates walking long distances) and she was right! She never complained once about being tired and did the whole 3 hr hike like a champ! It's over 3 miles round trip and the last part is a straight free climb. It has quickly become a family tradition and it's so fun to be able to go as a family. After we cooled off at the pool again, we got cleaned up and went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and then to our new favorite spot--Yogurtland (home of the best frozen yogurt anywhere!)
On the way up

At the top looking over the valley

We made it!

Proud sis

Tues - We split up a bit this day and the boys went to a second Rockies game (killed me to not go, but had to take one for the team) while the girls went shopping! The girls had saved some of their gift cards from birthdays/holidays and used them there. We really had fun and they got some cute things. That night, we ordered in food and watched a movie.
Wed - This was our annual duck park day. The girls played on the playgroud, the boys played catch, I got to go for a long run, and everyone was happy. They love feeding the huge geese and ducks that come and eat out of your hand. We spent the afternoon at the pool again (can you imagine how green the girls' hair was by this point?) and then went out to dinner.
Thurs - I enjoyed the most relaxing birthday ever! Other than going for a run, I was a total bum. Sat by the pool, read my book and just enjoyed the sunshine. The kids can literally play in the pool all day, so I can't complain! We went to a local Mexican food place that night that was fantastic and then to the yogurt place again.

Fri - Our last day there was 97 degrees and Opening Day for the Rockies. So, our day was spent between cooling off in the pool and watching the game as well as doing laundry and cleaning up the place for departure. We took the kids to Benihana for dinner and then left at 5 am on Saturday to head home.
Many hours logged here

What an amazing week!! No driving all over for kids' activities, no work, no stress, no homework. No wonder the kids almost cried when it was time to come home!! Glad we get to go back in a year.
Looks like a great week! I love the picture of all of you at the top of Camelback--you all look great! Happy Belated b-day. I thought about you, but I didn't want to interrupt your lazy day with a phone call. :P Great post!!
What a perfect trip! It all sounds so fun! Lots of relaxing by the pool, time with friends, yummy food, baseball, hiking, shopping, and more! No wonder you enjoy going there every year! Got some great pictures too by the way!
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