Spring baseball and gymnastics season is upon us, so I took the opportunity last weekend to go visit my best friend, Lori, in SLC. It was my birthday gift and I couldn't have asked for a better one! We both have our big 40th coming up next year, so we're saving up for a big trip somewhere (NYC, Cancun . . who knows!). We both have super busy kids and this was our only weekend to squeeze it in, so we settled on a quick weekend in Park City. Well . . . Mother Nature had other plans and Utah ended up in the midst of a massive spring storm. We almost had to cancel, but decided to just stay in Salt Lake instead and it turned out perfect.
I got in on Friday night and we got dinner in a great downtown spot and then went back to our hotel and crashed. Saturday, we woke up to more snow, but decided to be adventurous and go for a long run in the snow. Using my trusty iPhone, we found a trail in South Jordan that goes along the Jordan River. It was amazing!! So amazing that we returned and did it again the next morning. We can solve a lot of the world's problems on a good, long run. :)
On Saturday, we slept in, went shopping, found another great spot to eat, and stayed up til 2 a.m. talking. Life just doesn't get any better than that! We have been through so much together--college, the births of all of our kids, job changes, life changes, the aging process, vacations, and everything else in between. We talk several times a week, even when life is too busy to even have time. She is a central part of my life and I wouldn't be who I am without her! She gave me a little plaque that sits in my room that says, "A best friend is someone who can sing the song in your heart even when you've forgotten the words." I think that about says it all. :)
Paved running trail along the river!
The only picture we thought to get all weekend. Oops!

Glad you had a fun weekend! And thanks for your nice comments on my crazy blog.
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