When my little brother headed off to college, I promised him I would make it out at least once a year to see him play. I wish I could go all the time, but I have to settle for once a year.
This time, I took my girls and make a girls' weekend out of it with my mom. We had to be super creative to make this trip work because the flights were all oversold. Add to that the time changes and Daylight Savings, and it was a whirlwind of a weekend! So, this is how it went . . .
1) Fly standby on Friday to Oklahoma City since Frontier no longer flies direct to Tulsa (drat!)
2) Rent a car in OKC and drive to Tulsa airport (plus a scenic drive around Tulsa getting lost thanks go errant Google maps airport address), dropping of rental car #1.
3) Take a shuttle from the Tulsa airport to our hotel
4) Pick up a rental car #2 to drive one-way home on Sunday since all flights were oversold.
That took some careful planning!! The only thing we failed to plan for was bad weather. Just before Salina, KS, we hit a massive spring storm. My mom and I are both bad weather driving wimps, but we survived. It added over 2 hours to our drive time and there were times we couldn't even see the pavement or the lines on the highway, but somehow we made it, arriving home at 5 a.m. on Monday. Whew! The memories were totally worth it and we got some great quality time with Bennett and his girlfriend, Casady, and her family who also came to cheer on Bennett.
My girls did great with all the travel and loved the whole weekend. Neither one wanted to come home!
Getting our rice burner car--good thing this wasn't rental car #2 through the snow!

Finally got to see B after the game Friday night.

The batter is supposed to be a first round draft pick in June and Bennett outplayed him!

After game activites--Casady's younger sister is a cheerleader and Kinley was in heaven!

Walking around ORU campus

Inside the student center--everything has a biblical reference, like these mirrors.

What a good lookin' couple!

The Bennett Pickar fan club

Some snuggle time in our hotel

Wow, what an adventure! You guys were determined to get there and back and well you did it!! Looks like the girls loved getting to spend time with Grandma and Uncle B too. Bennett's girlfriend is very pretty and they look so cute together!
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