OK, judging from the photo, it really has been 15 years. If you think Doug looks young in this photo, you should see his junior prom picture (photo to come at a later date).
We were young and naive when we got married, but I wouldn't do it any differently. Having Doug by my side as I graduated from college, got my first job, bought a house, had successes, and made mistakes has made me who I am today. As I watch my younger brother get ready to get married, it has caused me to reflect back on Doug's and my early years. As my mom says, marriage is about having a witness in life--to all its ups and downs. Marriage is hard work, but worth every effort.
Becoming parents together and raising our kids has been challenging, rewarding, scary, fulfilling and wonderful all at the same time. Having a child with health problems taught Doug and me that we can get through just about anything.
So, here's to 15 years and many more to come!! I love you, Doug.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Has it really been 15 years?
Posted by Haley L at 4:08 PM 5 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Our last hoorah!
While at lunch, Kaiya decided to pull out her second tooth of the trip. The crazy girl hadn't lost a single one when she turned 7 and now they're dropping like flies. She was shocked to learn that the tooth fairy can find her even on vacation. She likes to leave notes for the tooth fairy and was shocked to find that she even replies. One note went like this: "Dear tooth fairy, What do you do with all the teeth you collect? Love, Kaiya." To which the tooth fairy replied, "Dear Kaiya, I scatter them in my garden as decorative rock. Love, T. Fairy." The other note was, "Dear Tooth Fairy, How did you get into my hotel room?" The reply: "A girl's gotta have some secrets. Love, T. Fairy" Nevermind that the notes are in Doug's handwriting--she thinks she has a new pen pal!
The temp hit 113 here today, so the rest of the day was in the pool. Kinley has become a total fish and is quite proud of herself (almost as much as puking in the cup vs. all over the rental car on the way back to Phoenix on Thursday). She can swim at least 10 feet with her face in the water now with no flotation devices! Go Kinley Girl! :) We finished the day in the pool as well--the kids loved swimming at night under the lights. I think they might sleep for a week when we get home. It's been a trip of a lifetime!
Posted by Haley L at 10:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Life's a Beach
The kids saw the ocean for the first time today and and it was a hit. The surf was high today and it didn't take much for the waves to knock them on their butts. Laguna Beach is beautiful and the weather was perfect. We are all a little toasty from missed spots with the sunscreen, but otherwise unscathed. Kinley didn't want to leave the beach--her mantra became, "Just one more wave, mom!"
After stopping for lunch en route back to Phoenix, Kinley announces that she didn't feel so good. Cooper, who was sandwiched between his sisters, saved the day by grabbing an empty cup just in time. Thank you, Coop!! Then, Kaiya chugged 24 oz. of water in the middle of the desert between Palm Springs and Phoenix and announces she needs a bathroom. We pull off on a dirt road off the highway in the 116 degree heat so she can water a cactus and all I could think of was the desert scene from the movie Vacation. I laughed for miles!
We don't head home until Sunday, so if any of us can get out of bed tomorrow or off the couch, I'll post another update. :)
Posted by Haley L at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Wiped out and heading out
The day stared with the long awaited Princess Breakfast. It was wonderful food and the girls loved seeing each princess as she visited our table. With my sister-in-law Anneke and 5 little girls all in princess dresses, we were quite a sight to see. I kept asking Kinley all day what her favorite princess was and what her favorite ride was and she finally just looked at me and said, "Both of it and all of it!" Can't argue with that.
We did roller coasters, water rides, 3-D shows and parades today. I'm not sure the kids will ever think another parade is good after today. They could reach out and touch some of the most amazing floats I have ever seen. And, to think Disney does this day and and day out!
Off to Laguna Beach tomorrow and then back to Phoenix for a few days before heading home.
Posted by Haley L at 10:33 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Day 2 in the books
It is just after 11 pm California time right now and we've just tucked the kids in. We walked through the gates of Disneyland at 8:15 this morning to give you an idea about this day. My feet feel like I'm walking on blades (it didn't help that I had a flip flop break on me in the middle of the day), but my heart is full. As we were leaving the park tonight, Kaiya told me that she has heard them say this is the place where dreams come true and hers really has. Does a parent need to hear anything more than that? Suddenly, the $750 just to walk though the gates didn't seem to matter all that much anymore.
We mastered the fast pass system today (getting a ticket early and showing up at a certain time to bypass the line completely!) and did tons of big attractions with plenty of other stuff on the side. When it got hot, we let the kids cool off in a spray ground area (can you say soaked?) and then we hit more rides, caught the electric parade and the fireworks. The last ride of the night was a free fall ride that took you up in an elevator and then dropped several flights at once, went back up a few floors and did it again. Here is Kinley next to me, barely tall enough to ride, and she is laughing the whole way down.
The only thing Kinley has asked for the entire trip was cotton candy, so she got her wish tonight as well. She stuffed her face and then crashed harder than a ton of bricks.
Tomorrow is the princess breakfast, so stay tuned!In the Nemo Submarine
Cruele DeVille
Soda Springs
Soaked at the Bug's Life Splash Grounds
Faster, Coop!!
Posted by Haley L at 11:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Disney Day 1
Well, we survived day 1 with only some minor sunburn and last minute burnout. Not too shabby! We arrived at the part a little after the doors opened at 8 a.m. and didn't leave until 5:30. Whew. I was exhausted, so I am even more impressed that these little guys were still going strong until the last minute. It was Doug's birthday today, so we finished the night off at Tony Roma's for some BBQ (his absolute favorite).
Doug's brother Tom and his family joined us and it has been fun watching the cousins together. Poor Coop is outnumbered with all these girls. He even stomached the princesses today, but says he draws the line when we do breakfast with the princesses on Wednesday. We can see Angel Stadium from our room, so all is not lost. The amount of money that flows through this place is obscene, but the look in the kids' eyes when we walked in made it worth it.
Tomorrow's plan is learning to better utilize the Fast Pass system (waiting in line is so overrated) and see some more big attractions.
Posted by Haley L at 8:02 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Family day in and girls day out!
I promised Kaiya that if she quit biting her nails, I would take her to get her nails done on vacation. Well, the stinker did it and made me hold to my promise. And, of course, Kinley wasn't going to sit back at the pad (the affectionate name for the condo in Scottsdale that has been a 2nd home for me since 1980) with the boys, so off we went to the salon. The girls were so cute sitting there and the employees pampered them beyond what I would have expected for $10 each. Needless to say, we had a blast and all came home with pretty toes and fingers. And, the bonus is that Kinley won't suck her thumb with the pretty polish and flower on it! Wohoo!
The rest of the day was spent in the pool. Some old hag complained about the kids being loud, so we left that pool and went to the other one. The kids were shocked at how vocal I became in telling this lady off. Doug said it reminded him of a mother bear defending her cubs. Not sure I like being compared to a bear, but I let this lady have a piece of my mind before we left. :) Thank goodness for the other pool--we had a blast! I have been coming down here for 27 years (man, I'm old) and no one has ever complained either when I was a kid or now about my kids. Sheez, people--they're just kids in a pool.
Posted by Haley L at 8:05 PM 1 comments
Outta here!
After much anticipation, we are finally off to Phoenix and Disneyland! What a difference it makes traveling with the kids now that they are another year older. No massive car seats, high chairs or port-a-cribs to lug around and they can all carry their own stuff. What a treat.
They were all great at the airport and on the plane. Kinley sat on the aisle and the poor flight attendant was almost unable to do her job because Kinley talked her ear off. She would start every sentence with "Um, excuse me . . . " and then proceed to ramble about anything she could. It was a balmy 107 degrees when we arrived and it should hit 110 today. No wonder not many people are here on vacation right now. But, we just live in the pool and eat lots of popsicles and all is well.
The girls and I are off to the nail salon today while the boys catch up on the U.S. Open. We might catch a movie later and tomorrow is our travel day to Anaheim. Disneyland, here we come!!!!
Posted by Haley L at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
It's all about the dresses!
The girls and I got to go wedding dress shopping with Erika yesterday and we had a ball. Erika is going to be a beautiful bride and my girls tried on a dozen or so flower girl dresses, shoes and tiaras. They had the ladies at the store cracking up. Let's just say neither of the girls have self esteem problems as the paraded around that store, flipping their hair as they walked. They really enjoyed seeing Erika in a wedding gown as did we all. October 11th is the big day, so they won't have to wait too long to see her in it again!
Posted by Haley L at 9:44 AM 5 comments