I was just looking back at my blog posts and realized that I didn't have a single word or photo about Cooper's basketball season. Well, there's a reason! It has been forgettable, to say the least. He has played well and it's been a great way to get him in shape for baseball, but that's about it. It has been a pretty miserable season for lots of reasons, but also a good life lesson that sometimes things aren't fair and even though you feel like quitting, you become a better person by sticking it out. I'm really proud that he has been able to laugh about it. They won ONE game the entire season. Ugh! He did fine--a few buckets here and there and he gives it his all every game.

Baseball season has begun and perhaps that's why his mood has improved. He will be playing in 6 tourneys this spring and then will play Legion ball in the summer. Let the bleacher butt begin!! Bennett's season started this weekend, so we're ready to cheer him on now, too!!
My excitement came on Thursday night at work. A little before 1:00 a.m., a van pulled into our front parking lot and a guy came running in saying that his wife was giving birth and they couldn't make it to the hospital in which she was supposed to deliver! What the??? We all went running out and sure enough, there was his wife with her feet up on the dashboard and the baby's head and shoulders were already out! We grabbed blankets and our one and only OB kit and called 911 (we don't take care of anyone over the age of 22!). We got the baby's feet out, got him suctioned, and clamped/cut the cord. About this time, the baby's father puked in the parking lot from nerves! We ran the baby inside and other than the fact that he was a little early (35.5 weeks) and a little cold, he was healthy and crying and 6 lbs 5oz! Once the baby was stabilized and thoroughly checked over, we sent both the mom and baby to another hospital with the paramedics. Wow!! What a night. It was a first for Children's North Campus--never had a birth before, let alone in the parking lot. Always fun to be a witness to the miracle of life. :)
Finally, I had to throw in these awesome photos that my dad just sent me from Scottsdale. He has been making a daily trip to the Rockies' new spring training site, which is all of 4.8 miles from our condo. Talk about getting up close and personal. He said when he watches practice, he can even hear the players' conversations. Can't wait to get down there next month!!!! What an amazing facility.
Love that you can see Camelback Mountain in the background!
So close to the players as they walk by!
Hi, Spilly!
When my parents were there for fantasy camp they were the first group to get to tour the new facilities. They kept saying how nice it is too. Sounds like next month will be tons of fun!!
That guy deserves husband of the year award. Seriously, HOLD IT TOGETHER, MAN!!! :) Thanks for giving me a good laugh with that story. So glad it had a happy ending. Good job!
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