Miss Kinley had another dance performance this weekend in Boulder. They did two dances--the Shining Star disco number that I've posted before and their new one from the musical CATS. They did a really good job and the girls loved dressing up as cats with makeup and all.
The stage where they performed was actually inside the Boulder Public Library and it was a great venue. They had dancers from all over the area performing all day.
Kinley is moving to a new dance studio starting today (and this should be the last move!). I have really loved her instructors at Mountain because they are so positive and she really had fun, which is the most important thing to me at this age. She also loved getting to do some gymnastics in her combo class like her big sis. One of the biggest problems was that the classes she should have been taking all started too early for us to get her there in time, which meant either being late or pulling her out of school early. It was nice having her at the same place as Kaiya, but the time frames didn't overlap as much as we had hoped, so it still meant multiple trips to Lafayette and back. That, coupled with the fact that Mountain was still trying to build their dance program made it tough. So, Kinley is moving to a closer studio in Longmont--the same one that she did the workshop a few weeks ago and loved. She is such an easy-going kid that as long as she gets to dance (and be with her buddy, Maddie), she is happy!

Two cute cats!

Here is her CATS performance and a fun one from her workshop a few weeks ago. I was having problems getting them to load--if they don't work now, I give up!
cute cute Cats!!
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