We had a great night, but I think I'm a little sad that my kids are getting older. Coop didn't even want to dress up (although from the amount of teenagers I saw out there, maybe he's not too old . . sheez!), so he and I stayed home and handed out the loot. After a while, he got jealous of all the goodies and put on something and headed out for one street and then we went to visit friends.
The girls seriously LOVE Halloween and usually start planning their costumes in July. Kinley wanted to be a cowgirl and Kaiya decided on Judy Jetson, which is funny because no one even knows who she is anymore. I thought Kinley was going to bust and I had to restrain her from trick-or-treating at 4:30.

The toothless cowgirl

The other pics are from their parties at school (although my dear husband forgot the camera at the breakfast party in Kinley's class since I had to be at a work meeting that morning), a birthday party for Kinley's best buddy at school, and from our pumpkin carving night at home . We roasted the best pumpkin seeds this year . . brown sugar, cinnamon, coarse salt, and butter. Yum!! And, I'm pretty proud of our Rockies pumpkin. Kaiya did the logo completely by herself and Doug carved it.
So happy to finally ride a horse . . . OK, a pony
Kinley's best buds at school

Pretty proud of our Rockies pumpkin!

Until next year . . . . .
I am really loving the Judy Jetson costume! That totally rocks! Jacob didn't get to dress up this year since he was not feeling well, but he didn't seem to mind that his Aunt went and trick or treated for him and brought home the loot! That is what is important right? Glad to see you had a great Halloween and I love the Colorado Rockies pumpkin! Awesome!
Great costumes and fun times! Can't wait to see you all at Thanksgiving time.
Halloween sucked this year! And I will tell you why--NO LAFFY TAFFYS!! Where did all the Laffy Taffy's go? While I normally will never turn my nose up at a good piece of chocolate, I look forward to Oct. 31st every year so that I can wait til the kids go to bed and then steal all of their Laffy Taffys. (Purple and pink only, please!) This year?? Nada!!
CUTE COSTUMES THOUGH! Love your kids and can't wait to see you all!
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