As the summer is winding down, so is my body. We have packed so much into this summer, but it has been great. I absolutely love summer and I'm not really ready for the routine of school to kick in.
In the last couple weeks, we have . . .
1. Finished Cooper's summer baseball season. They won the first game and then lost the next two, but had an awesome season. Cooper caught 16 straight innings in the tournament in the heat and did great. There were a few tears after the last loss--he HATES losing. So proud of that kid!
Great shots taken by my amazing photographer friend (thanks, Kris!!!)

2. Attended a fun outdoor concert with my dad.
Waiting for the music to start!

3. Sent Cooper on his first week-long scout camp . . . with no dad! He did so great and we could not be more pleased with the report we got from his leaders about how he did. Oh, and did I mention that his camp was visited on numerous occasion by BEARS! I still can't really think about it.
4. Had one car break down and got the other one into a parking lot accident that is still not resolved. Grrr!! After working for the at-fault driver's insurance company for 10 years and knowing the system, I am not happy!
5. Attended my 20-year high school reunion. So fun!!! Saw everyone I wanted to and some I didn't. Ha!
My bestest high school buddies

6. Attended Kaiya's first USAG Level 5 meet. She just missed qualifying for the state meet on her first try. Six more meets to go between now and November.
A fun goodie bag after the meet

Kaiya and her best gym buddy, Sara

7. Shuttled Kinley to and from dance all week (thank goodness for a wonderful carpool buddy!) and gearing up for her winter Nutcracker performance for which she auditioned and got 4 parts.
8. Got 24 hours with my best friend, Lori, in town. We stayed up chatting til 3:30 a.m. and then went for a run the next morning before I had to ship her off to her own 20 yr. high school reunion in Denver.
9. Started the final preparations for the big Lindhardt Family Reunion, which we are hosting in Estes Park in two weeks. Many hours spent creating a theme, planning activities, etc.! This is our logo--Doug's parents were married in 1962 and there will be 42 people at the reunion representing just his immediate family and their spouses and children. Whew!!
10. Served as Cooper's caddy in a golf tournament (he still has two days to go in the tournament, but so far, so good!!).
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