Our summer ended with a bang . . . . twice!
We were first treated to a visit home from Uncle Bennett! He got to come home for 3 days before heading back to college. It was awesome! We got to go to the lake with him and then he spent the night Sunday night (Aug. 8th) with us. We got up Monday morning and headed to Jump Street. I have never seen so many sweaty people in my life. We had a blast jumping on all the trampolines and playing dodge ball. We went out to lunch and then had to say goodbye . . . . again. :( I hate seeing my kids cry!!! Of course, Uncle B was a puddle of tears, too. We will see him again at Thanksgiving, but the goodbyes always suck! But, we are planning a Caribbean cruise over Christmas with Bennett and the whole family. Can't wait!!

Loved this pic--Kinley's arms are getting buff like her sister's!

Relaxing in the hammock

Jump Street with Uncle B

Sweaty fun!

The rest of the week was filled with full-blown preparations for the big Lindhardt Family Reunion. We made multiple trips to Costco and other stores getting ready (spent $1400 to feed 42 people for 4 days . . . yikes!). We had lists about our lists and every day was filled with getting things ready. We got new furniture and a new kitchen island countertop installed and spent plenty of time getting the house and yard ready. It was a ton of work, but fun to plan and see it all come together.
Of course, we made it to the pool a few times before the week was over. Kaiya got quite good at putting on a show off the diving board and I am now an expert on removing green color from blonde hair.
Look closely--Kaiya is upside down!

We also attended Cooper's year end baseball party. His coach's comments almost brought me to tears talking about how hard he works and how other teams and even the umpires always made comments about his work ethic and sportsmanship.
Super cute cake by one the team moms

All of the third year players (minus Kaden, who was on vacay)

Neat speech--made his mom cry

Kicking back

Kinley also had her year end Daisy celebration. She absolutely loved Daisies this year and they did so many neat crafts and service projects. It was fun to see all the girls together.
Daisy end of summer party

Not ready for summer to be over!!!! :(
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