We had yet another busy and fun weekend and I've decided it's a good thing I can work nights because it's the only way I have time to work. It's funny, though, because as busy as we are and as much as I seem to be complaining, to see my children succeed and be happy in their endeavors is all I need. And, on mulitple occasions this weekend, I got unsolicited "thank yous" from each of them.
On Saturday, Kaiya had a piano recital in Boulder followed by a gymnastics meet in Littleton--the first at 10 a.m. and the second at 1 p.m. It gave us just enough time to grab some lunch together at our favorite spot (Panera) in between--just the two of us. Doug stayed back for Cooper's baseball practice and then met me at the gym meet with Kinley and my dad.
The piano recital was so neat--Kaiya's piano teacher has somehow arranged to have it at a piano store in Boulder and they have a small room in the back just for recitals. She had about 12 students there and they got to use a $75,000 grand piano for their performances. Wow! The acoustics in the room were incredible, too. Kaiya had 5 short numbers to perform and she has improved so much. I have decided she has a knack for competing at anything. On Friday night, she was practicing and kept making some small errors yet she gets up there on the stage on Saturday and didn't miss a single note.
Kaiya and her teacher, Ms. Jill

$75K grand piano

The meet in Littleton was well run and didn't last all day and she had her best meet of the season. She fell once on her cartwheel on beam, but nailed everything else including a stuck landing on vault and a clean bar routine. She ended up with a gold medal in the all-around and I think she was shocked when they called her name. She is just looking more and more comfortable when she competes (her mother withstanding) and her coaches are so positive and fun.
Gold medal!

Crappy action shot

From the meet, my dad took us to dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory and then to a Rockies game. Kaiya was so funny--as we got to dinner, she said this was the best day of her life--two performances, dinner out and a Rockies game (and a nice win at that).
Keeping Papa warm

Her favorite treat in the world

Kinley is such a trooper through it all--she has become an expert at packing her "go" bag of stuff to do at the meets and other events. Coloring books, crayons, ipod, dolls, you name it and it's in her bag. She makes friends at the meets (literally walks up to strangers kids and asks if they need a new friend and if so, she would be happy to play and share toys--but just don't try to do my doll's hair because it makes her mad) and keeps us laughing. As we pulled into the parking lot at the Rockies game, she was changing into warmer clothes in the car and says, "Well, this is my first time being naked in public." We had a good hour laugh after that one.
Only 6 more days of school for the kids. We are looking forward to our lazy days at the pool, lots of baseball and Kinley starts her Showstoppers practices. Kaiya will be attending a week-long gymnastics camp at DU in June (an overnighter--not sure I'm ready), I have my 20 year high school reunion, Cooper will go on a scout camp in August, we are hoping to get to LaCrosse, Wisconsin to see Bennett play in his summer league, and we are hosting the 40+ members of Doug's immediate family for a family reunion in Estes in mid-August. and I will put another 10K miles on my car in a few short months. Bring it on!!!
Her last piano piece & one of her best floor routines (even though they first played the wrong music!)
Way to go Kaiya! Isn't it neat to play on those BEAUTIFUL pianos?!! I even played a few notes on them! :) Glad you had such a great weekend! Super busy..what a great mom you are! :)
That was a great post. You're raising some very accomplished kids there. Hmmmm.....reminds me of someone! I guess they come by it honestly. :) I loved Kinley's naked comment. As in..."first time of many?" And finally, your last paragraph made me laugh. All of those commas, when will you have time to breathe?? Can't wait for Estes Park though, so hang in there!
Wow! What a busy time, but it is great that you are able to all be involved in it together. What fun kids!
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