After hours and hours of bleacher sitting, yesterday was all about Kinley. It was the last day of school for all the kids, but she had a special kindergarten graduation and then her big dance recital in the evening. She was one tired puppy by the end of the day, but she very much enjoyed being the center of attention. She just kept saying, "Today is all about ME!"
Of course, I didn't make it through the little graduation ceremony without some major tears. I'm posting the two songs that did me in. Notice how she kept looking at me. I even got teary when she gave her teacher a big hug. Mrs. Brown was also Kaiya's kindergarten teacher and we were so lucky to get her again. She pulled me aside before we left and said she wants me to keep in touch with her for years to come because she knows Kinley is going to do something amazing in life with her big personality.
We love Mrs. Brown!

Kinley and her best buddies--notice the height!

Ice cream for the grads!

It's pictures like this when I realize they do look alike!

Kaiya and one of her best buddies

Thanks, Mrs. Hamblin!

The recital was long, but Kinley was quite the trooper considering her first dance was toward the beginning and her last was toward the end. Of course we are partial, but I think she did a great job. She knew her dances and more importantly, she had a blast. That girl loves the stage! She is ready to dance all summer long!
All dolled up and ready for the show

After the show

Warming up in the halls

Kinely's idol, Maddie

The official fan club

The songs that brought me to tears (of laughter and sadness!)
Spanish Ballet
The Way You Make Me Feel