Miss Kaiya had her first spring gymnastics meet today and it was a big day because she just moved up from Level 4 to Level 5. This means that all of her routines are different and more difficult. She has worked so hard in the gym since November to get to this point. This time last spring we were preparing for her first ever meet and what a difference a year makes! She looked so confident and poised. She posted some pretty impressive scores, too, especially considering she just barely learned to get all the way over the vault last week! She got to do Olympic rotation today (vault, bars, beam, floor) and her scores were 7.4, 8.3, 8.2 and 8.0. Wow! She was bummed because she ended up just missing the podium for all-around score, but she is the youngest on her team and one of the youngest level 5's there today.
I also threw in a couple photos from her Grade 13 and Beyond awards night. All the kids in our area from grades 3-5 have to write an essay about what they want to be when they grow up and her essay was selected as one of the winners. She got a $100 scholarship to put in the bank and watch it grow. We are working really, really hard on humility lately to make sure all of her successes don't go to her head!! :)
Sporting her new leotard

No longer so short

Starting her floor routine

The whole gang today

Supporting their sister . . . ha!

Over the big vault
Bar routine
Beam and floor routines
Grade 13 & Beyond Award - she wrote about wanting to be a wheelchair designer

With her school principal

Yay Kaiya! I love those leos. I think the new style vault is awesome too. If only I'd had a daughter that's what I would have liked her to be in! I'm so excited to follow her gymnastics career vicariously. For real I was doing level 5 in the 7th grade. Woo Hoo!
WOW- congrats Kaiya! That is super cool. She is following her mom's footsteps well.
Hello awesomeness!! She did amazing!! Cant wait to see her on that Frosted Flake box!!! lol
Great job on everything, Kaiya! You're quite a girl--we love you!!
Way to go Kaiya!! Congrats to you!! Loved the videos!
PS Didn't Cooper win that Scholarship too? Looks like you've got a family of writers too! What does she want to be btw?
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