So, here I am waiting for sneaky children to fall asleep on Christmas Eve and I thought that would be a good time to update the blog before we head off on our cruise!
It has been a crazy, busy week, but a super fun one. I had to squeeze in a few shifts before Christmas and the kids were really good to let me get a nap in here and there.
Here is a recap of our week . . .
--Kinley lost her other front tooth, so she looks super cute. She also graced us with some artwork again . . . if you look closely, it reads, "The yelow spots are pee putls." Apparently, she was trying to figure out how to color the snow and white crayon doesn't show up on white paper, so yellow pee puddles was the next best option.
All she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth (but a gold coin from the Tooth Fairy will suffice)
The lovely artwork
--Spent tons of time with Uncle Bennett. Having him sleepover is the best! He was even a soccer mom for a night so Doug and I could join my dad, Brandon & Erika at the famous Ship Tavern at the Brown Palace in Denver with some relatives.
Can't get enough of him!
--Got a visit from Santa on the firetruck as he rode through our neighborhood. Coop wanted to know why Santa had B.O. Gross!!
B.O. Santa - please leave deodorant out for him this year instead of cookies!
--Hosted our extended family party at our house. We did a charity gift exchange, which was pretty cool. We drew names and then made a donation to a charity on behalf of that person and then explained why we chose that charity. Within our own family, we also did a service exchange. It has been really special putting more meaning in Christmas this year.
Decorating the tree!
--Went to a baby shower for a friend with a bunch of my old gymnastics buddies. There is something so magical about holding a brand new baby. So fun to catch up with old friends. We have been pretty good about getting together once a quarter this last year.
--Got to spend a day with Lori and her girls. My kids always giggle so hard when we see them. We decorated cookies, played some Wii, had lunch and opened gifts. We almost had tears, but since we have a trip planned together this spring, it wasn't too horrible saying goodbye.
Decorating cookies with Jordan and Kylie
Silly girls!!
A blessed friendship

Teaching Kinley Jacob's ladder
--Caught up on some scrapbooking at a friend's house. What a nice little getaway for an evening with friends!!
--Went to a movie and to my dad's for Christmas Eve dinner. He told a story about having lunch at Wendy's last week that brought it all home. He was eating a late lunch and a very dirty, grungy man sat down near him. He was missing most of his teeth and appeared to be homeless. My dad looked up just as this man glanced toward another couple sitting in the restaurant and mouthed the words, "Thank you" to this couple whom had obviously just bought him lunch. I get choked up just putting the story in writing.
Aunt Erika's yummy cookies!
Happy Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve PJ's