It's funny because I haven't felt like I had much catching up to do on the 'ol blog until I pulled out my camera and looked back a few weeks. Guess it all went by so fast that I didn't have time to digest it until now.
In the last 2 weeks, we have
--Attended two NLDS games (still in denial about the outcome)
--Attended two more of Kaiya's gymnastics meets
--Took care of a sick Kinley girl
--Celebrated my dad's birthday with family
--Helped at and watched the 2nd annual Cardiac Kids talent show
--Attended parent/teacher conferences
--Spent more hours online getting ready for HAWAII in a few weeks
I really can't post much about the NLDS games. We froze our butts off, had a blast, and came home so sad. I'm not yet to the point that I can say "next year." Hope that comes soon.
Freezing, but happy to be there!

Kaiya had two meets in two weekends. Last weekend's meet was at Denver University and this weekend was at 5280 Gymnastics, which is where the men's olympian Sasha Artemev trains. Both were great experiences. Kaiya came so close to qualifying for state this weekend, but got robbed by the beam judge. Oh the joys of a sport with subjective judging! She had personal bests on bars and floor, though, so she was super happy.
Watching her do beam is the end of me!

Can't say enough about these coaches!

Holding the team trophy

I was super pleased with the kids' parent teacher conference reports. Always feels good to hear their teachers saying nice things. Kinley is starting to read so well. I love the age when they try to read everything in sight--road signs, cereal boxes, etc. She had to miss a couple days of school with a fever and the general crud that is going around, but she is on the mend. It was pretty cute because Willie wouldn't leave her side while she was sick. I think he liked her extra body heat from the fever. She scared us half to death when she woke up in the middle of the night and announced that her room was on fire. Turned out it was just her body on fire and the night light had lost its cover and was glowing extra bright.
Sick pumpkin

We had a great time going to the Cardiac Kids talent show last night. Amazing what some of these kids can do. Our favorite was the jump roping team. Check out the video--there were awesome!! Watching some of my former patients doing their talents was pretty neat to see, too.
Jumping Eagles in action!
Oh, and T-33 days til Hawaii, but who's counting? We've been busy planning our itinerary. Can't wait!!!!
T-33 days 'til we get to play with cousins!! We can't wait! Poor Kinley, did she have swine flu? High fever sounds suspicious...Our neighbors on both sides of us have it, so we'll see if our vaccinations worked!
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