I'm not really sure who is more depressed about school starting in two days--me or the kids. I'm usually ready for them to go back to school, but for some reason, this summer has gone too fast. I love the warm weather, the sleeping in, the lazy days at the pool, trips to the lake with my mom, sitting in the baseball bleachers and no homework!
Fun in the sun with Aunt Erika

We had a great trip to Utah and then turned around and headed to Grand Lake last weekend with my mom's side of the family for a couple nights. Both trips involved being crammed in small places with lots of people--good thing we like both families!!
Grandma's Cafe a/k/a kitchen

Hanging with Lori's kids

Ice skating in Logan with the cousins

At the end of the Grand Lake trip, we bid farewell to Bennett, who headed off to college in Tulsa, OK. It was an incredibly tearful goodbye and watching my kids cry was not much fun.
Sibling separated by 18 years

Siblings separated by 27 years (all of my mom's siblings)

Bennett and I gave the kayak a try . . . fun!

Walking to the village at Grand Lake with Hamma (grandma)

Quality time with Uncle B

Cooper played in a 3-day golf tournament last week and didn't play his best golf, but had a good time. Doug, my dad and I all took turns being his caddy. He is looking forward to playing lots this fall as time permits as he embarks on middle school. Coop also got his pacemaker "tuned up" last week. They continue to make some adjustments and we are hopeful they will last. We lost 4 kids at work in one week (none while I was there, thankfully), which always puts things in perspective for me. I love my job, but losing patients is something that never gets easy.
Reflecting on his tee shot

We have enjoyed several Rockies games this season and took some friends with us this last week to enjoy my dad's awesome season ticket seats. With any luck, we will be able to go watch them in the post-season!
Kaiya and Kinley have squeezed in several play dates with their buddies over the last week and yesterday, we spent the day on the lake with my mom. All the kids skied and rode the tube until they could do it no more.
Making brownies with friends

Kinley and Ellie--ready to start Kindergarten together

Summer memories are made at Seeley Lake

I think I can safely say that we crammed about as much as possible into this summer as we could have. I guess reality had to come back to bite us eventually.