Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Bliss!
I think it has taken me until now to catch my breath enough in order to do a Christmas post. It was a nutty week, but I feel like we also took the time to enjoy the true meaning of Christmas. I am proud that my kids got really into the gifts they were giving this year instead of just the ones they were receiving.
We spent Christmas Eve at my mom's watching a movie and healing to the wounded--my mom had a skin graft on her ear for a wound that wasn't healing and Bennett decided to one-up her and slice his shin down to the bone playing basketball. So, I got to clean and inspect their stitches before we headed to my dad's house. We had a great dinner and watched my dad (OK, Brandon and I can't handle it either) blubber through a reading of a story he reads every year about a family who stops at a diner on Christmas Day only to have their 1-year-old befriend a bum. Long story, but the essence of the story is that the best presents are often the little acts of kindness. It is impossible to hear or read it without bawling. Makes me realize each and every time just how incredibly lucky I am for all that I have.
I was shocked that the kids made it unti 7:20 to wake up, but it was a nice surprise. Cooper is always our most excited, which is kind of cute since he's the oldest. He about comes unglued with excitement. This year's Oscar performance for best actress went to Kinley who gasped and shouted for joy with each new gift. Even the pack of gum in her stocking was a home run. Seeing that much joy in her eyes makes it all worth it.
I ended up getting called off Christmas night at work, so that was a nice little present for me. I was a little melancholy as I went to bed, though, realizing that it won't be too much longer before these totally magical Christmas mornings racing down the stairs are gone. I guess I'll have to be creative to find ways to keep the magic going. :)
Posted by Haley L at 9:02 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Center stage
Last week was a busy one for my girls. Kinley had her preschool Christmas program and Kaiya had a gymnastics "recital". I got a couple of cute videos of both and promised the grandparents I would post them. :)
The Reindeer Pokey song they sang was a hit, especially when they "put your fluffy tail in, you put your fluffy tail out . . . " You get the picture.
Here are two of Kaiya's routines. I think next time I better bring more barrettes. Notice the constant hair tucking behind her ears. Ha!
Posted by Haley L at 8:04 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Staples - 'That was easy'
Cooper decided to be an ad slogan for Staples this last Saturday just before his first basketball game. Doug had to work and I was literally in the process of loading everyone in the van to head to the game when I heard a huge thud.
The thud was Cooper crumbling to the floor after smacking his head into the corner of the cabinet trying to jump up and grab a couple Advil for a sore shoulder. I see blood running down through his hair and now I've got a decision to make. Go to the ER or to the game? Since Cooper had to miss his first game last week while we were in Utah, he was having none of my idea to skip this game as well.
So, I slapped some Dermabond and a steri strip on his scalp (which doesn't stick so well to a thick head of hair) and off we go. Of course, it's picture day and here is Coop with red streaked hair. My bigger concern was the refs not letting him play because it was still oozing a bit under the steri strip and as he started sweating, he had pink sweat running down his face. He got pulled out once when the ref noticed, so we cleaned it up again and back in he went. It wasn't his best game, but he played good D. He admitted later that the adrenaline buzz from hitting his head wore him out.
After the game, my dad took the girls home for me while we headed to Children's for some preferential treatment. 5 staples later, we were done. What a day!!
Posted by Haley L at 8:26 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Kaiya's baptism

Kaiya & Dad

We also got to spend an evening with my best friend, Lori, and her girls and exchange gifts with them. We are in the early planning stages of our trip to Hawaii with them for Thanksgiving of 2009!
The trips are always too short and Kinley is already plotting her return trip to Grandma's house. She doesn't even mind the long drive because she uses it to grace us with her wisdom.

So beautiful!

Posted by Haley L at 8:27 AM 2 comments