Friday, January 28, 2011

Moments of fame

Both Cooper and Kaiya have had a little time in the spotlight in the last couple weeks. Kaiya had a piano recital in Boulder and Cooper got to spend a little quality time at Coors field, rubbing elbows with players, coaches and the media.

Last Saturday, Cooper got the chance to go to Coors Field for Fan Fest. It's an event for season ticket holders in which fans have the opportunity to meet players and coaches and tour the entire facility, including things like the locker room. I had worked the night before, so I had to sleep and Doug was working. So, we gave the tickets to a good friend and he took his two sons and Cooper to the event.

Cooper's moment of fame came when he landed an on camera interview with Alana Rizzo and Marc Stout from FSN. Those names don't mean much to many of you, but they are household names around here. They are two of the primary announcers for FSN, who broadcasts all of the Rockies games on TV. I've always said I wanted Alana's job, but I might have to let Coop have the job instead. It's small and kind of hard to see, but check this out!

Here is Kaiya's piano recital video. It was an after Christmas theme and she worked pretty hard on it, which isn't easy in light of her gym schedule. I'm also posting this link to show her latest feat in the gym--can now do a round off, back handspring, back tuck. She is pretty pumped to be learning all this new stuff! Check this out:


Unknown said...

Kaiya can really play quite well! I would love to even be able to do that! Amazing little girl you got there! And Cooper rocked that interview! He is a smarty pants! I love the looks of amazement that Alana kept doing! Impressive!

Laura said...

Wow! Cooper sounds like he go straight into broadcasting! So impressed!

Elizabeth said...

What an awesome day at Coors field!! That kid KNOWS his stuff!! Way to go Kaiya!

Felt Family said...

Cooper, you were the topic of discussion at Grandma's today. We all think you are awesome and that it's VITAL that you become a sport's broadcaster. Not when you grow up--RIGHT NOW! Like, the Rockies Youth Commentator that comes in during the 7th inning stretch (Paul's idea) or something. Anyway, great video. You are amazing. Glad you had a fun day at COOpeRS FIELD!! :) We love you!