I think I've been slow posting pics from the 4th of July weekend because I'm in denial. I always feel like the summer flies by after the 4th and I'm in no way ready for it to be nearly over!
We had a great 4th of July weekend complete with the traditional homemade root beer floats, the parade, a BBQ and fireworks. This was Kinley's big day because she got to be in the parade. Honestly, I think she looked forward to this day as much or more than Christmas. She worked hard learning the dance that they had to do while walking about 1.5 miles along the route. Then, after the parade, they were all treated to a ride in the limo that they danced behind in the parade. She was in heaven. We had my family over for a BBQ and then headed back to the park for Kinley's performance there. There were only 3 kids in her group and they did a good job. She told me ballet in the grass doesn't work too well, though.
We enjoyed some carnival rides and just as we were leaving, it started pouring rain. We didn't even make it to the town's big fireworks display because it never stopped raining. So, we did our own with our neighbors and friends in the driveway. The kids were so happy to just shoot off our own that I don't think they even missed the big show. What a great weekend!!
Getting ready for the parade with buddy, Maddie

Kinley's personal cheering section

Cheering on sis/scouting for candy

Axis of Movement Dance Co.

All smiles!

Their ride after!

The whole crew

Park performance


Staying dry while the boys shoot off fireworks

It was lots of fun!
What a fun day for you all. Kinley looks so cute in her outfit at the park. Keep dancin'.
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