We flew into Tulsa on a regional jet (propellar plane) late Thursday night. Bennett picked us (my mom, Cooper and me) up at the airport, which is about 20 min. from the ORU campus and took us to our hotel. The three of us got up on Friday morning and toured the campus and went to chapel with Bennett. This is a requirement for him twice a week and as crazy as I thought it was going to be, I actually enjoyed it. The music was impressive (lots of amazing voices and a full band) and the sermon was even good. A few crazies in the audience, but even that was entertaining. Bennett had to be at the field at 1:00, so we left and went out to lunch and hit the ORU bookstore. We are all set on ORU gear for a while now, but it was cloudy, cold and drizzling, so we needed some more layers.
A view of the campus from our hotel--very 70's looking!

The prayer tower made to look like the crown of thorns on top

We found out from Bennett that he was not playing in the first game (no warning and a major bummer), but it was still a great game and ORU won big. That night, we went to the Cheesecake Factory with Bennett and one of his friends and then waited for the rest of the fan club to arrive (Brandon, Erika and Jay). The next morning, my mom and I went for a great run along the Arkansas River and then joined everyone for breakfast. Cooper got treated to the day of his life before the game--he got to go into the locker room and tour all of the facilities. Never seen that kid so wide-eyed! Bennett played awesome on Saturday both behind the plate and hitting (2 RBI) and the team won again. He is the only true freshman on the team and some of his teammates look so old! After the game, Cooper got to even go down on the field and play catch with both of his uncles and watch Bennett catch some in the bullpen. Saturday night was dinner out to a mexican food place with all of us. Good times! After dinner, we snuck into Bennett's dorm so us girls could see it. Hilarious! We had to go in a side door and have people on the lookout because there is a strict policy against the opposite sex being in dorm rooms.
The weight room that overlooks the field

Gorgeous field

Nice scoreboard with Bennett's mug shot

Right before his base hit single that drove in two runs

Ready to run

Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory

Sunday's game was a little warmer, but still no sunshine. We said goodbye to Bennett before the game because we had to leave as soon as it finished. Again, Bennett played great even laying down a bunt single, which is something he has never done in the past. They won again to sweep the series.
Elite members of the fan club

More members

Playing catch on the field after the game

Bennett's #1 fan

Because the entire state of Oklahoma takes spring break at the same time, all the flights were full, so we rented a car and drove it home. We left at about 3:00 and got to DIA at 11:30, so not too shabby. We were all pretty tired yesterday, but it was well worth it. It definitely won't be the last trip we make to Tulsa in the next few years!