We also had some business to take care of up there in looking at some potential spots for Doug's family reunion in 2010. It is our turn to host the 40 immediate members of his family next summer and our house is not an option. We had heard that the YMCA had cabins big enough for our group, so we checked it out and it was amazing! Eight bedrooms, nine bathrooms, fireplace, and kitchen facilities big enough to make it all work. MY kind of camping out! The place is now reserved and we can put it out of our minds for about 12 months.

This last weekend, Doug and Cooper camped out a whole different way. It was Cooper's first overnight scout camp and the only bad weather day we've had in a month. Go figure. The temperature got down to 10 degrees at night and they woke up to frost on the inside of their tent. Thanks, but no, thanks! They had a good time and I'm so grateful the moms are not involved in that part of scouting!! When they got home, I realized Cooper was getting older as I heard the sounds of joy as he hoppped in a warm shower and the smile on his face when he climbed in his warm bed that night. 

I like camping but 10 degrees?? Ouch! I thought about those little klondikers (and was glad I didn't have to go. )
Sounds like those 5° bags were cutting it pretty close! Glad they survived. We're very excited for the reunion. It's going to be awesome!!! Corinne keeps talking about how far away summer is and I haven't had the heart (or guts) yet to tell her that it's two summers away! Love you all!!
That looks like a great reunion spot. It makes me want to coax my family out here!
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