For some reason, I have always felt that the age of 5 signified the loss of all babyhood. Maybe it's because kids go to kindergarten at age 5 or maybe it's simply that when I see a child hold up a whole hand to tell how old they are, it looks pretty important. Whatever the case, I had a very bittersweet weekend watching my baby turn 5.
Miss Kinley had a wonderful birthday and Valentine's Day and she has always thought it was pretty neat that the whole world celebrates love and affection on her birthday. She still calls it Valentime's Day and I will not correct her. She had a blast at her school party, even more fun at her friend party on Saturday and topped it all off with her "grown up" party on Sunday with my family. It was non-stop fun and it's a very good thing she doesn't have school for President's Day. She might sleep all day. :)
Her birthday party with friends was spent in Denver at a Children's Hospital function to celebrate Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day, which happens to also be on Valentine's Day every year. It's something I've been involved with even before she was born and something I'm very passionate about. Close to 800 children will be born just in Colorado this year with a heart defect or irreversible heart disease and more research is needed to understand why this happens so it can be prevented.
This year, the Cardiac Kids group that I'm a part of put on a huge CHD Day carnival at Chatfield High School. There were bounce castles, games, prizes, face painting and lots and lots of prizes. I took Kinley and four of her best buddies and they had a ball! Each of the kids won a couple of cute bears and lots of other fun stuff. It was neat for me to be able to accomplish two goals--a birthday party and an awareness day. I saw lots of former patients and it's so neat to see the kids outside the hospital setting. It's also a day I celebrate Cooper's life.
We also celebrated with family and I think Kinley is now set for a very long time with new stuff to play with! She is such a joy in our family--our comedian, our princess, our snuggle bug and our extrovert. We love you, sweetheart!!

Loving her unicorn cake

With best buddy, Maddie
Starting to collect some prizes!
Enjoying lots of new Barbies

Having fun at home before the carnival