There are people that come into our lives that leave lasting impressions. For any family who has ever had a child undergo open-heart surgery at The Children's Hospital, that person becomes Esther. A nurse at Children's now for almost 34 years, she is the connection between the operating room and the waiting room and the link between the day before and the days after surgery. I got to spend the day being her shadow yesterday as part of my training and it was an honor.
Friday, March 28, 2008
A Day with Esther
Posted by Haley L at 9:25 AM 5 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Two weeks & four months . . .
That's how long I have been in my new job and Doug in his. It has been a major adjustment in our household, but I am happy to report that we are all still standing. Doug is just four days away from finishing his training and I have just begun. He will soon begin advising TIAA-CREF customers what to do with their retirement funds. I suggested he tell them about our little vacation fund that is in need of some additional monies, but he was concerned he might get fired.
Posted by Haley L at 9:10 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Blackmail Material!
So, I know every parent thinks their kid is hilarious, but I had to post a video of Miss Kinley singing her guts out. She got this horrid sing along microphone for her birthday and we are all starting to run when we see her pull it out. We get treated to these High School Musical songs at least a couple times a day. :)
Posted by Haley L at 12:12 PM 5 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Ever Had a Wet Willie?
So, I knew owning a dog would be a challenge and so far it's been worth it, but let me just say that giving Willie his first bath was a far greater challenge than I expected.
dang dog only weighs 14 pounds, but it took everything Doug and I had to give this dog a bath. With his eyes bugged out of his head, he looked at us like we were evil. The kids stood in
the background laughing hysterically. Um, not so funny. We toweled him off (yet another joke) and he takes off running. He was a dog possessed. He scooted sideways across every rug in my home and ran so fast he crashed into the couch. I don't think I've ever heard my kids laugh that hard. Next time, we will enlist the professionals. No more Wet Willies at my house! Oh, and the last picture I threw in is Willie every day when the kids go to school. He parks himself on the top of the couch and cries as they leave for school.
Posted by Haley L at 7:10 PM 4 comments