With two more meets in the books for Kaiya, all that remains is her state meet on April 6th. She has essentially been competing for 6 months straight without a break. I think her body will be ready. Poor kid comes home with more aches and pains that you'd see in a retirement home.
She had a meet we will call the Blizzard Bash on Feb. 24th at the University of Denver and then we just returned from the Minnesota Northern Lights Classic. The one at DU was actually called Winterfest; however, we drove in a very scary blizzard to get there, so I think we will always remember the weather more than the meet. It was a big day for Kaiya because she debuted a new bar routine (normally reserved only for level 8's) and did so well. She also scored in the 9's on floor and still had trouble on beam. But, she placed 5th overall on bars and was pretty psyched to hit this new bar routine. We somehow limped home on the crappy roads and when I went to work that night, it was a quiet night!
Two weeks later, we headed to Minneapolis for her last regular season meet. It was held at the Minneapolis Convention Center and was such a great venue. Minus the part that I got lost twice driving to the hotel (once from the airport and once from the Mall of America), it was a very relaxing weekend for me. I have a serious case of bleacher butt, though. :/
Two things were great about this trip--1) Kaiya had the meet of her life, hitting all 4 events and coming in 6th all-around, 7th on vault, 10th on floor and 3rd on bars and 2) Seeing her be a total goofball with her teammates, whom she loves.
4th place team |
Loved seeing her name all the way towards the top! |
Love this photo from the DU Winterfest meet |
These girls are GOOFY . . . . |
. . . but a great group of girls! |
Chowing down some Rice Krispie treats that were the size of bricks! |
Mall of America |
Indoor roller coaster at the mall |
What a great meet! |
She had a lot of medals around her neck, but I think she was most pleased with sticking her beam routine and really nailing her new bar routine for a 9.25 score. She has worked SO hard and to see the look on her face from the awards podium was fantastic.
We did venture over to the Mall of America for a while and it was a total zoo! I must be getting old because after one roller coaster ride and dinner, I was done! It is a very impressive place, but I'll be OK if I don't go back.