I used to be so good. I was disappointed in myself if I forgot to post something each week now I'm lucky if I hit one each season. Must do better!!
The kids have already finished their first quarter of school and Halloween is right around the corner, which means Kaiya is about to turn 13 as well. Yikes!
So, briefly . . .
--Cooper started his sophomore year and his second year on the golf team. Missing a ton is school for tourneys is super stressful, but he had a blast this year and qualified for regionals again. Two upper classmen played with him this year and they all did well, usually scoring within just a few strokes of each other. I was able to watch almost all of his tournaments and love walking the courses and watching. Probably the highlight of Cooper's life in the last few months was getting a TRUCK! We found a decent used pickup for him to drive when he turns 16. He is totally obsessed with washing it and driving it whenever he can. As nervous as we are for him to drive, I'm ready to quit being his taxi cab!
Coop also got a little screen time in August when he was asked to be part of a public service announcement for 2Hearts--an organization that was created to help kids bridge to the world of adult congenital cardiology. The crew loved him and he's been asked to help in another PSA. The hope is that these someday end up on TV. Here is the video!
First day of sophomore year |
He's just a little excited |
--Kaiya started 7th grade and it has been seamless. She has a free period to get her homework done and pulled a 4.0 first quarter with all honors classes. Woot, woot! She has been training like crazy at the gym trying to get new skills and is so strong that it scares me. I recently had to buy her a weighted vest to use at the gym to wear when she climbs the rope and does pull ups. What the??
First day of 7th grade |
Look closely at Kaiya going straight down the slide at Water World with a friend |
Picture day . . looking so old! |
--Kinley is loving her 4th grade teacher and has no problems in the social department. She is also loving volleyball and has done really well playing up in the 5th/6th grade division and recently tried out for club volleyball and should make that team without any problem. Kinley got braces on right after school started to see if the tooth that was knocked out was ankylosed. The tooth appeared to take hold so well that it was literally stuck. The braces were just a test to see if the tooth would move down and thankfully, it has!
First day of 4th grade |
Coop didn't have school til the next day but got up to make her breakfast |
Picture day |
Hoping these braces work! |
Kinley and her BFF, Annabelle |
Her favorite coach, Ronni |
We lived through the great floods of 2013 and it's something none of us will ever forget. It rained for 5 straight days and a huge chunk of the state of Colorado ended up under water. Entire roads were washed away, homes were lost, lives were lost and we all stood helpless watching until it finally quit. The kids were out of school for a week and we witnessed destruction and miracles all at the same time. I had to get a police escort to the highway just to get to work. In the days following the flood, we spent many hours scooping water and mud from the homes of neighbors and friends who had basements completely flooded.
Work in progress |
The before shot of this basement |
The park more like a lake) at the end of our street |
Other highlights:
*As a family, we took a quick trip to Utah to say goodbye to cousin Mikala, who left on her LDS mission to Tennessee at the end of August. It was so great to have everyone there (minus the other two cousins already on missions with a fourth that headed out right after Miki). Our drive there was super stressful because of a mud slide that shut down the highway, but somehow we made it!
How folks in Manti roll |
Helping out the Manti Lindhardts' family business at the fair |
*I was able to spend a weekend with Lori at the end of August in Colorado Springs as she ran in the coveted Pikes Peak half marathon. We had a great weekend together!
Garden of the Gods |
*Going to the last Rockies home game of the year and watching the tribute to Todd Helton, who is retiring.
So long, Todd |
Love our Rockies! |
Love this pic of my dad and Coop |
*A scrapbooking weekend away for me in beautiful Buena Vista with some friends. My scrapbooks are totally caught up!!
Not a bad spot to scrapbook! |
*Going to a Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson concert with our awesome friends, Blaine and Tirsa.
Photo taken at the lake where Blaine and Tirsa are building a new house--this is Kinley and their daughter, Bella. |
*Celebrating my dad's 70th birthday with him and so grateful that he is on the road to recovery. One more surgery on Oct. 28th and the whole nightmare should be done!
Happy 70th, Papa!! |
Taken behind my dad's house. What a view! |
*Bennett's trip home for a week after finishing instructionals in FL. Only 2 more months til the big wedding in Punta Cana!
Lunchtime at school with Kaiya . . . |
. . . and then Kinley |
Celebrating Uncle B's birthday a little late |
OK, so maybe Uncle Doug isn't so scary after all |
*Getting our house painted, building a new shed and knocking down the old one and getting our house ready to SELL! Yup--after 12 years in our home, we have decided to see if we can sell our house and build a new one on a much bigger lot in town. Stay tuned!!
Cooper standing in front of the lot we hope will someday be our new home! |
*A weekend trip to Steamboat Springs with Brandon, Erika and Sydney. We had a great weekend of pool time, relaxation and checking out the town.