I vividly remember telling people that my kids were 8, 5 and 2 years old. Honestly, I remember it well. So, how on earth is it that they are now in 8th, 5th and 2nd grade??? It's such a cliche that they grow up fast, but I still seemed stunned that it's happening to us.
I absolutely love the teachers that the girls got this year and am so excited about the kids in their respective classes. Kinley just keeps losing teeth, so she looks so funny right now. Her front two teeth are almost down to where you can see them when she smiles, but then last week, she lost two teeth in two days at school. Losing teeth at school is a huge deal because they give you this cool tooth necklace to take home that holds the lost tooth. She wrote the Tooth Fairy a long note and was so excited to wake up to some cold hard cash, but when morning came, there was nothing. Luckily, I went in to check for her when she was getting dressed in another room and lo and behold--the crazy lady left the money inside her pillowcase (on a pillow she doesn't even use). She sure can be tricky! Good thing I checked. :)

Life is good when your BFF is in your class!

Kaiya is back to juggling piano, gymnastics and now a new program called MESA (Math, Engineering and Science Achievement), which takes place every Thursday after school. She has also started doing some real babysitting jobs, which has been a major highlight for her. Her gymnastics season starts in just two weeks!!

Kaiya has gone to school with these buddies since kindergarten!

Cooper helped orient the incoming 6th graders and is loving being the big 8th grader on campus. He has a pretty packed schedule, but seems ready to take it on. We had to make one schedule change . . . had to do with his math teacher being more of a believer in UFOs vs teaching algebra. Long story. I am NOT that parent who runs out and fixes all of their child's problems, but this teacher was going nowhere fast. Cooper's first week of notes were about the definition of reality and the traits of a leader and being the pilot of his own learning. The dude never even took the cap off a dry erase marker. Possibly the funniest thing about Cooper's schedule is his involvement in the hand chimes group. We laughed when we saw it on his schedule, but as soon as a pretty cute girl encouraged him to stay in the class, he decided he wanted to give it a try. Cooper's musical ability starts and stops with downloading songs on iTunes, so we shall see how this plays out!

Hoping for a great school year!!!